“She’ll take pictures of everything you do,” explained my son in a casual tone to my dad, like I wasn’t there. Bloggers, can you relate? So began the documentation of the best salmon I ever tasted. I didn’t know it would be amazing at the time I started – I just knew there was gigantic cooker and the perfect light, so it was an obvious time to pick up the camera. Today, I’m sharing how to cook salmon on a smoker, which is about the easiest gourmet meal you can create.

how to cook salmon on a smoker
A smoker is the magic behind this salmon. My dad uses the Pit Barrel Cooker. We have the Weber Smokey Mountain. Fancy people have a Green Egg.
Cooking salmon so easy: get the smoker prepped with charcoals, wood chips, and up to temperature.
Salt, a healthy shake of pepper, and stretch out the salmon on the cedar planks. Cook in the smoker for about 45 minutes.

I am not a food photographer so I realize this photo does absolutely nothing to indicate the awesomeness that is this salmon… it kind of melts in your mouth. My son, six, claims this is his favorite thing to eat, more than hibachi shrimp or chicken fingers.
Chicken, other fish, ribs can also be smoked on the cooker, but it’s the salmon you should try first.
Read next: more smoker recipes for chicken, beef, pork, salmon & more
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