Three Women is the buzzy book of the summer. The book was put s on my radar by an intriguing instagram post by Hitha.
After that review, I kind of had to read it. And apparently, I’m not the only one since Three Women was a NY Times #1 bestseller. And Hitha’s description is accurate: you cannot put it down. Once I started it, I devoted all free time to finishing the stories until I knew what happened. “Where is this going?” I continually thought, knowing each had to have a conclusion.
About the book
Journalist Lisa Taddeo tells the stories of three women: a high school girl seduced by her teacher, a woman ignored by her husband which leads her to have an affair with her high school boyfriend, and a couple with an open marriage.
My take
I’ll admit: I had to read some scenes with one eye open because the sexual encounters are explicitly written. The stories are fascinating. One story in particular will force you to think about the #MeToo movement in a different light, and how victims are faced with a nearly impossible task to prove the facts. If you read it this summer, comment below, I’m dying to talk about it with someone!

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PS – the best book for parents and books other good taste guide readers recommend
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