If you have ever traveled with a suitcase that ends up buried under a heap of wrinkled clothes, these cheap little bags are for you. Packing cubes are the best thing you can add to your suitcase. Packing with travel cubes will transform your jumbled clothing heap into an organized, folded stack. These simple zipper bags keep all of your clothes organized when you travel and make it way easier to unpack when you return. Doesn’t that sound like a useful item to add to your life??
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What are packing cubes? Small magical bags that will transform your suitcase.
I’m guilty of outfit indecision on trips – even thought I may have specifically packed outfits I knew I would want to wear, I dig through my suitcase, creating a chaotic heap of clothes. This can happen in minutes.
Packing cubes keep it all organized. Rather than rifling through the suitcase for the item, which will inevitably be on the bottom, packing cubes keep your clothes organized and easy to find, and as wrinkle-free as clothes can be in a suitcase.
Use packing cubes to organize by day. We used them to pack our son for summer camp, too. Each day contained an outfit with a note from me. (Disclosure: His clothes came back wrinkle-free because I’m pretty sure he never opened the packing cubes or changed his clothes while he was away.) This is a great way to pack for kids on vacation, too.
Basic packing bags to order. I’ve ordered several brands – I think even Lilly Pulitzer has gotten in on the packing cube game – but you don’t need fancy packing cubes. We ordered AmazonBasics and they are fantastic quality, lower pricing than other brands.
They are available in different sizes. I like a variety. Here’s what they will fit:
roll 5-7 shirts
2-4 sweaters
4-5 pairs of pants
all workout clothes
pajamas and workout clothes
pants + jeans
jackets + sweaters
about 10 kids outfits
kids outfits

Shop for Packing Cubes on Amazon
There are a million options, but we like the AmazonBasics and eBags.
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