How many photos, on average, do you think you take of your children each year? I prefer to take photos with my Fuji x100s, occasionally my Canon t4i, and when I don’t have those cameras in my hand, I’m shooting with my iPhone. Therefore, I have built quite the collection of photos. So far this […]
Here’s how sparkling wine is made
More than 44 million bubbles are in a bottle of sparkling wine, according to Wine & Spirits Magazine. If there are 44 million bubbles in a bottle, that means there are approximately 7,333,333 per glass. How’s that for a bubbly, fun wine fact? Throw it out at Happy Hour to dazzle your friends the next […]
Shop Sparkling Wine
Capturing everyday moments like a photojournalist
“Life flies by in seconds” –Gracie – Ben Folds Every parent knows that time speeds up the second you have a baby, as time is measured in days, then weeks, then months, and finally years – and before you know it, you’re the one uttering the words that you heard a million times prior to having […]
The best way to shop for groceries
The best way to shop for groceries is to not step foot in the grocery store at all. You’re probably wondering, “how is that even possible?” And no: it’s not ordering things like granola bars and toilet paper on Amazon. Real groceries: produce and all. Maybe you are one of the people on this planet […]
Best Places to Order Personalized Stationery When You Have One Million Thank You Notes to Write
One of my most popular posts is “how to write thank you notes for baby gifts,” which is something apparently people search for frequently. This topic is especially relevant for me right now, since I’m currently churning out thank you notes daily. I actually enjoy writing thank you notes and actually writing with a pen […]
For those that despise ironing, the J-4000 Jiffy Garment Steamer is your solution
I was given the ultimate gift this Christmas: the gift of the J-4000 Jiffy Garment Steamer, so I can successfully avoid ironing. This is a true gift, straight from the heart, from my mother who hates wrinkles. Let’s back up for a minute. My mother, a very particular and successful career woman, cannot stand two […]