Having a clean house is spectacular. Cleaning to have a clean house is not spectacular. So, we were on the search to find the tricks, hacks, and gadgets normal households use to keep their homes filth-free. What can make the chore of cleaning easier?

Sara reported, “No gadgets. I do love my Scrub Daddy sponge and my dishwasher.” While dishwashers are efficient and handy and a million times better than hand-washing dishes, none are currently on the market that unload dishes. Washing machines have the same deficiency: none are equipped with a folding / putting away feature.
However, robot vacuums are a thing.
Delegate vacuuming to a robot. Because you can.
Roomba is the most well-known robot vacuum, so we asked our community: “Do you have a Roomba, or a cleaning gadget (or hack) that makes your life simpler? Please share. If you do have a Roomba or gadget, is it worth it? Which one do you have? Details, please!”
About the Good Taste Community – Each week, we ask our community members a few questions. Real women. Real responses. Real recommendations. Then, we share our reviews + recommendations for work and the weekend from our community each week in our blog posts and newsletter. Join us!
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Good, clean answers.
Most responded a Roomba was not part of their household, but they did have a few recommendations…
- Sarah simply responded “Lysol wipes“. And you know what? They are pretty magical. She wins for best response.
- “Nope, just a good ole fashioned vacuum.” – Pam
- A cloth that doesn’t require a cleaning solution is intriguing: “I was a skeptic until I tried it, but… the Norwex Window Cloth has changed the way I clean. And by that , I mean I actually clean my windows now! This nifty little cloth only requires water. Dampen the cloth and wipe down any and all reflective surfaces. Viola! You have a streak free, clean surface. Just throw the cloth in the laundry when you’re done. It’s. that. simple.” – Meredith
Back to robots.
The Roomba is a circular vacuum without a handle that traverses your floors, picking up dirt and debris, without any effort on your end. Tell it to go, and the Roomba vacuums while you sit and do nothing. Or watch TV. Or leave the house. These robotic cleaning gadgets have evolved since their inception more than a decade ago, and now have crazy features like automatic dirt disposal, programmable cleaning times, and WIFI. Say what? I’m so serious. You can decide at 3pm you want clean floors from a remote location, like work, and have your robot pick up the dust on command. The future is here. So are your dustbunny-free floors. Get you one.
Prices start at $299 for a WIFI ready Roomba that can clean hardwoods and carpets. If you could vacuum up dollar bills, you have the kind of money to splurge on the elite Roomba i7+ is $949.99 with automatic dirt disposal. Of course, there are plenty of models in between.
One person on our facebook page recommended another brand: “We bought the Bob Pet Hair Plus and it’s the best investment I’ve ever made.”
Robots do have drawbacks. Jessica shared,”Roomba. It is handy but I brought it to my office on a weekend and it pushed the door shut and locked me out with my keys inside 😳”
Anyone who read the horrific Roomba poop spreading incident will hesitate before committing to a purchase. (Apparently, this happens frequently!) Getting locked out is an inconvenience, but less messy than a poopocalypse.
One thing better than a cleaning robot? A cleaning man.
Don’t have one but have a cleaning man who comes every other week.”
-JESSIAmen, sister. You win.
Another parent cleaning tip: clear the crumbs out of your car with these 3 car cleaning products you can find on Amazon
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