Hey y’all, welcome to my home.
We built this house last year.
Why, as a blogger, I have not blogged about this is beyond me. Maybe I was waiting until we were done? I opted to pepper the internet with drivel about toddler toys and my favorite wines instead. Two of you read it. Thanks.
We moved into our forever home in the fall. We gave every square inch of this house exhaustive thought. We debated, changed our minds, really focused on how we lived and how that would translate into our perfect home. Thank goodness we had an incredible builder (Nations Homes) who surpassed our expectations every step of the way. We were lucky to be able to build a custom home… and I have to say, living here for six months, we did a killer job.
This is the first in a series of posts about our new home… and I thought I’d focus on something simple first.
Our club chairs.
Not part of the construction, but a central part of our living room. We have four of them.

They were a pretty plaid, but the fabric was worn. Buying great furniture that lasts forever is an investment that is absolutely worth it. If someone else does it for you, EVEN BETTER. These chairs are hand-me-downs and with new Crypton fabric, they are better than any chair we could buy brand-new.
What is Crypton fabric? YOU CAN POUR WINE ON IT and it just magically brushes off. Doesn’t absorb. It is magical. I brought a sample home to test it out first.
We have had chocolate chips, cheetos, milk, oatmeal … basically, every kid-food in the pantry has ended up on the chairs so far, and all have been easily removed. The fabric has an impervious charm on it. Nothing stays. If you’re considering new furniture, I would recommend considering recovering old chairs (ones you already have or ones you find at an antique/thrift store) with Crypton for any high-traffic areas like a living room.
After much obsessing, we decided on the light gray with white piping and trim at the bottom. Even though I tested the fabric, I couldn’t commit to white fabric with two young kids! I love the gray next to the bright corals, blues and Chinese red. Rose Arbor in Myrtle Beach has an excellent selection of fabric, and a professional staff that doesn’t kick you out after visiting 6,726 times to debate the options. (My daughter, 2, loves to visit “Wose A-boo”, an indicator that perhaps I visit it too much!)
Our house is still a work in progress, as I expect it will always be. That’s the fun of decorating, right? I’ll be posting the kitchen or dining room next.
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