For an unforgettable party trick, saber a champagne bottle. Yu’ll go down in party history as the must-have attendee at any party.
You may be thinking, “Saber? Sounds medieval.” It is: definition of saber (verb): to strike, wound, or kill with a saber. You’d certainly kill it if you saber a champagne bottle at a social gathering.
Plus, you’ll be sure to be served the champagne. Perhaps, the host can even let you choose it in exchange for your guest entertainment. (and yes, Mumm Brut Cordon Rouge is an excellent selection.)
Can the average human wield a sword to lop off the top of champagne bottle?
Yes. According to Bon Apetit, “As it turns out, it’s so easy to do that anyone can pull it off—even at home.” Chuck and Josh of popular podcast Stuff You Should Know explain that sabering a bottle of champagne is easiest if the neck of the bottle is really cold so it breaks clean in the episode, “How Champagne Works.”
The key is to aim at that the right spot between the seam and the lip, where the glass is thinnest and most vulnerable.
Wired has a step-by-step saberage tutorial and noted it took a few tries.
White gloves + sword + flair is all you need.
Would you try it?
More wine: Sofia Brut Rosé with Brinner, 3 reasons to drink sparkling wine
Ohhhhh I wish I could do this! I am far to clumsy and accident prone for such things though! lol! I’ll have to put the Hubs in charge of this one.
I would lop off more than the bottle top if I attempted this!! Lol