It’s more fun to give than receive, especially if you’re delivering a joke. A round-up of the silliest gifts for friends, co-workers, family members or white elephant parties…
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For people that talk about their cat
This cat sticker for a toilet is unquestionably worth the $2 investment.
For the hostess with the holiday mostess
Secretly dress up her toilet with this Santa holiday toilet seat cover at a holiday party for a funny surprise. (Note: There are a few complaints about the quality of this item… so clearly some people are hoping this $16.99 ensemble will last through the holidays and beyond.)
For anyone who shows you pictures of their cat
Wrap up the Licki brush, a utinsel to groom a cat. Just watch the video. You’ll know who in your life deserves this gem.
To bring to the office party
Watch co-workers morph into 7-year-olds as they take turns with the Marshmallow Extreme Blaster. I’ve witnessed it among adults. It was a hit. (Get it?)

For wine lovers
These practical evening socks will warm her feet in style, plus provide a helpful suggestion.]
For any parent
“What the fork should I make for dinner” cookbook is possibly (but probably not) the answer to the 3pm question, “what’s for dinner?” Every. Single. Day. One review says, “Hilarious with actual recipes to follow!”
haha love this! sometimes a funny gift are just the thing you need.