One of my friends had a brilliant time-saving trick for making smoothies, and it only takes about 5 minutes of weekly prep. Separate all of your smoothie ingredients into individual baggies and store them in the freezer, so when you’re bleary-eyed prior to your first cup of coffee in the morning, all you have to do is grab one bag from the freezer, dump it in your blender, and add water. I stashed four of these in the freezer this week, and even though it only saves a few minutes of time in the morning, it takes the thought out of prep.
My current favorite smoothie blend: peaches + banana + pineapple + kale + water

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Kitchen Gear | The Vitamix blender is my favorite kitchen gadget. We have the Vitamix 5200, which we got at Costco. Some Vitamix blender options are available online at Williams-Sonoma and Zappos and Amazon.
This is such a smart idea! I am going to have to try it out because anything to save time in the morning is going to be needed once Julia starts kindergarten.
This is awesome advice. I love smoothies and I must say I spend a lot time preparing them, so this advice will surely save me much time.