Muffins are basically cupcakes without icing, right? Not these!
These healthy muffins are my new go-to make-ahead breakfast. Delicious.
Mix-ins could be healthy (blueberries! Craisins! Carrot shreds!) Or you could douse the batter with chocolate chips like I did for a treat.

The cutest six-year-old sous chef in South Carolina helped me make this batch, and we were both surprised by how tasty they were. My one-year-old daughter will eat the entire muffin. I loved having these for a quick grab-and-go breakfast this week… Except I ran out on Tuesday. Double batch, next time.

Adorable white and blue striped Simply Baked muffin cups are such a cute way to make muffins or cupcakes for gifts.
Applesauce, wheat flour, oats and eggs all combine to make these muffins easy to make and an easy breakfast.
Here’s the recipe:
Mel’s Kitchen Healthy Muffin Recipe
Tip: Do recipes get lost in your Pinterest abyss? Try Paprika, the coolest recipe app I’ve tried.
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