I was not holding my knife properly, until about two weeks ago, when I watched this surprisingly informative and brief video series on knife skills by Plated on Skillshare.
Skillshare is a cool service with about a million videos on topics like photography, writing, and cooking. Some require the monthly subscription, but this one on knife skills, is free.
12 minutes later, I learned how to properly hold a knife, expeditiously mince garlic, and properly dice an onion. All things I’d done in the kitchen countless times – the wrong way. The way to hold a knife completely floored me, and I’ve been amazed at the difference every time I chop since I made the change. I also find that I use one knife out of our entire block for nearly everything – the traditional chef’s knife.
Did you know that’s how to hold a knife? Where did you learn basic cooking skills? I feel like I’m probably doing everything else wrong, too!
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