Beast Ninja Myrtle Beach has the best at-home activity the whole family can play! All you need is a deck of cards, a lot of energy, and a piece of paper. Watch the video to see all of the different exercises and how to play. Boot Camp Shuffle is a family fitness game all ages can play together.
What you need
All you need for this game is a deck of cards and paper/board to write the exercises on! Use these suggested exercises or get creative and make up your own:

How to play
Spread out all of your cards, face down. The Game Board needs to be next to the cards so everyone knows which exercise to do.
On the other side of your yard (you choose the distance) lay down a towel to be the starting point.
Everyone starts at the starting point. One player says “ready, set, go!” then everyone races to the other side to pick up a card and do what it says. Do this until all of the cards are gone. Everyone keeps their cards so you can add points up at the end.
How to win: put all of the cards in a line and add up the points!
Share it!
If you/your family gives this game a try- please be sure to snap a pic/video and TAG Beast Ninja and so they can share it to their page.
Share with any parents who might be desperate to get their kids to burn off some energy in a fun way!
About Beast Ninja Myrtle Beach
Beast Ninja has a fully equipped traditional gym experience where you can get your body ready to take the next level of physical fitness. If you need help to build your body and mind, we have a training team that is second to none in Myrtle Beach. Meet them here. Finally, the obstacle course. At Beast Ninja, we have put together an obstacle course that can test even the most proven fitness warrior. They also offer a youth ninja program for kids as young as 5.
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